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Optimize Your AdSense Sites For Maximum Click-Throughs and Payouts (Part 1)

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While AdSense isn't the only way to make money off your website, it is definitely one of the easiest - all you have to do is configure your ad, drop it into your site template and pat yourself on the back - you're done for the day.

Unfortunately though, setting things up, and actually making money from AdSense are two different things. To earn money from AdSense you need:
1. Website Traffic (visitors)
2. Clicks on your ads (high click-through rate)
3. High-paying clicks (top-paying, most profitable keywords)

How Do You Get People To Click On an Ad?

1. Make them pay attention to it – if they aren't looking, they aren't clicking.

2. Have ads that match the reader's needs – search engine visitors are typically looking for information on a particular topic – are you giving them that information? Are your ads?

3. Overcome the “this is an ad – ads are bad” psychological barrier – in our society and on the Internet we are continuously bombarded by ads and there is a subconscious resistance to them – you have to either overcome it or ... as I'll show you, sidestep it.

Attracting Attention

Most people think that the best way to attract attention is to use bright colors and generally make sure that the ads stand out. It's a good idea in theory, but think of what happens in the real world...

The first time you see a bright, garish advertisement, you look at it because it is distracting, not because it is appealing. The second time though, the advertising is less distracting, although you still look at it. By the fifth time around, you are able to ignore the bright ad completely and focus on what you were doing before.

This phenomena is called ad-blindness - our minds shut out the distractions of ads that are not helping them get what they want.

So first you have to figure out what your readers want. Then you have to make sure that your ads match that.


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